Monday, September 27, 2010

Anne Becomes Civilized

Now that Anne is over a year old we are trying to civilize her (something her father and two uncles still struggle with every day). No more eating with her hands, Anne must use a spoon! As you can see, she is pretty good a bringing the spoon to her mouth from the bowl. But she still needs work on scooping the food onto the spoon. An experienced Reifenberger eater would completely fill the spoon with a mound of food. Maybe Uncle Matt can give her a few pointers.

1 comment:

Erin L. S. Johnson said...

A lefty! Uncle Matt and Uncle David will have her switch hitting and pitching in no time! I was thinking of you guys recently, because we're about to venture out on a camping trip with August, who will be just 2.5 months old! I remembered reading your camping blog entry, and I think we'll have to use your idea of taking the changing table pad for sleeping. We'll be in a tent in the Smokies for 4 days! Crazy? Maybe!!!