Wednesday, January 27, 2010

One Tired Little Colts Fan

Anne had a great time rooting the Colts on to victory on Sunday. We had some friends over, ate some good food and watched some good football. Anne had so much fun, she was completely exhausted! I've been so intentional about making sure Anne would sleep in her crib that she never falls asleep in my arms and I sometimes wish she would, just so we could snuggle. I got my wish on Sunday. I fed her and propped her up on my shoulder to burp and she promptly fell asleep! It was so sweet.

We'll call this one, the "uber-smile."

Anne's been cutting her bottom 2 teeth. I saw one a few days ago and Jeff saw the other one starting to break through last night. We've noticed a little bit more grumpiness in the evenings, but otherwise, she's doing great. She's been fighting the never-ending daycare cold. I think she gave it to me and I'm feeling better now, so I'm hoping she'll be getting over this soon. She wakes me up every morning coughing in her room . I have to go in there just to make sure she hasn't choked. Doesn't seem to bother her though, she'll hack and cough and not even cry!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Go Colts!

Uncle Budge bought Anne this super cute Colts Cheerleading outfit for Christmas. She and Jeff looked fantastic together on Saturday. We were out furniture shopping and Jeff said that Anne and I were definitely getting dirty looks. (I was in my pink Peyton Manning jersey). We are not among friends in New England during football season.

Anne's Second trip to the Big Apple!

Last weekend we went down to NYC to visit David and Jen.
Luckily we caught Jen before she shipped out to Haiti.

Brunch with the girls. (And Daddy, of course). We sat in this funky corner booth which was perfect to prop Anne up in while we ate. No highchair required

With David, we went to Times Square to Maddam Toussaud's Wax Museum. It was suprisingly pretty awesome.

This is our friend, Rahnuma. Her husband was a post-doc with Jeff at U of I.

Reifenberger Christmas

This picture was taken just before flames starting shooting out around the fondue pot!

Anne loves her uncles!

Everybody took a turn with feeding Anne and helping out.
Aunt Kit and Uncle Paul stopped over for a visit.
Playing with Grandpa on the floor.
Sorry, Aunt Darcy is not fully visible, but Anne's face was priceless.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Latest Trick

This picture was taken just this morning. Anne really mastered sitting up on her own during our vacation. She seems to have very little interest in crawling at this point. Just too content laying there on the floor looking around and playing with what's there. According to my mom, Jaime and I were a bit late with crawling and walking so we're not expecting much anytime soon. We'll keep you posted though...ha! that's a blogger joke.

Other fun pics

"Arrrr! I'm the abominal pink marshmallow baby!

Anne's First Christmas!

Well, lots of photos here to post of Anne's first Christmas. We had a great time visiting with many family and friends. No pics yet of the Reifenberger Christmas. I think Jeff was letting Ron play photographer, so we'll be getting those files soon. Enjoy!

Anne at home opening her gifts from Mommy and Daddy
"I love it guys, thanks!

A bath at Mimi and Grandpa's House.
Anne with Great-grandma Knox on Christmas Day.
Christmas Eve with the cousins, Bryce and Reagan
My Grandmother with her 4 great-grandchildren.
Anne is her Christmas jammies.