Anne started her swimming class last Saturday. These pics are from last week when Jeff took her. She was a bit timid, but enjoyed the class a bit more today. I took her this morning, today's skill was to learn to blow bubbles. The teacher recommended that we show the kids how to blow bubbles and then dip their mouth in the water. However, this generally resulted in Anne inhaling some pool water and choking. Guess we'll keep working on that one.
I was really surprised how buoyant Anne was. Almost feels like you could let her go and she would just float around. Don't worry, I'll hang on!
We're getting pumped for tomorrow's superbowl. I'm thinking I might send Anne to the nursery in her Colts Outfit. It is a dress afterall! Go Colts.

Sorry the pics are so dark. The lighting was obviously, not ideal.
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