Well, it's been a very eventful December. My Grandma Knox passed away on December 8th just shy of her 92 birthday. We knew it would not be long, but when I last saw her in November, I thought for sure I would be seeing her at Christmas. She will be greatly missed. When I think back on all the good years we had with her, I am so very thankful. All 6 of her grandchildren made it back for her funeral. It really was quite lovely with Father Rosa officiating, who knew my grandmother very well.
Afterwards, we had a luncheon at Peterson Meadows where my grandmother had lived for over 16 years since my grandpa had died. It made my heart swell when we walked into the dining room and it was full of all of her friends from Peterson Meadows. She was a very social lady, always walking the halls and chatting with whoever was available.
A week later, the entire family flew back to Illinois to celebrate Christmas with the Farrey's and Knox. It started out great, with out annual Christmas Program at Peterson Meadows. We decided to put it on one more time as a tribute to Grandma Knox. Shortly after the program ended and we were cleaning out the last few items from Grandma's apartment, my nephew Bryce threw up in the elevator. I told the lady at the front desk at Peterson Meadows that we had wanted to leave a lasting impression! From there, the Farrey's fell like dominos, with Jaime getting sick the following day, missing the Chrismas Eve celebration with our extended family, then Reagan, Mom and Dad on Christmas Day, then Anne Christmas night. We had a day of reprieve then Jeff and my brother in law, Jason fell ill on Tuesday. It will definitely be a Christmas to remember. Owen, Ruthie (my niece) and I were all well until yesterday. Thankfully, I didn't toss my lunch, but I was in bed all afternoon at my in-laws and definitely had a fever, but I seem to be bouncing back okay this morning.