Well, Anne and I just returned on Wednesday from our 1 1/2 week trip back home to my parents. We had a great time and enjoyed seeing many friends and family. Jeff came too for about 5 days. He was really surprised to see how much Anne had changed in just 1 week.
Below are some of the pics from our trip home.

My mom got a couple of opportunities for alone time with Anne while my Dad and I went biking.

Dad with Anne watching the horses.

This is Courtney who I used to babysit and is now starting college!

These are my cousins Allison and Sam.

Reagan and Bryce with their new cousin.

Jaime, Reagan and I went for a ride on the ferris wheel.

My cousin Brett and his wife Megan with Anne and Reagan

Good times with old friends, Heather, Janet, Kelly and Shannon. It was so great getting to see everyone as Shannon is now married and in Indiana.

Apparently this is what happens when you give your camera to your sister and Linda is around!

Our family friend, Janet with Lyla, my cousin Alicia's baby who is 4 1/2 months old. We hope she and Anne will be good friends.

My friend, Holly, made these burp clothes. Pretty impressive. Thanks, Holly.

These were the favors my Aunt Renee make herself for the baby shower. How creative! Alica and Renee threw Anne and I a stupendous baby shower. We all had such a great time and were thoroughly blessed by so many wonderful gifts for Anne. Thank you!

Grandma Knox with her 4th Great-grandchild.

Jaime and Jason with Reagan

Uncle Jack with Bryce

Ron and Ellen drove up to see Anne and for Ellen to attend the baby shower.