No, the baby didn't come yet, but Matt did get married this weekend. An absolutely fantabulous time was had by all. Darcy was a beautiful bride and the wedding was very special.
I'm just thankful another Reifenberger didn't decide to arrive in Atlanta...aka our baby.
Jeff and I have been busy in the evenings cleaning at the new house. We've found there might be some unforeseen problems with the tiles in the upstairs bathroom, so we'll have to see what can be done about that.
The movers came yesterday and moved over the sectional couch, washer and dryer and a few other items. Not surprising, the sectional does not fit in the living room. Guess we could tear out a wall and make a bay window for it to fit in! Jeff loves that couch too. Looks like we'll be putting the middle section in the basement for the time being.
This week I'm at Boston Medical Center doing a diabetes preceptorship. It's been absolutely fantastic and I'm really learning a lot and enjoying the experience. We're looking forward to a long weekend, which also means more work moving and that, but it's also very exciting!
That's it for now. Welcome to the family, Darcy.